Monday, November 18, 2013


Westringia dampieri is known as the Shore Westringia.  As the common name suggests it is mainly found close to the sea front south of Carnarvon, Western Australia, around most of the coast and across the Nullarbor into South Australia, where it extends as far as Kangaroo Island.  In the Esperance region it also occurs in the inland mallee region.

Westringia damperi grows to around 1.5 metres (5') in height and grows on deep calcareous sand or directly on broken limestone, often too harsh for other species, so plant competition is seldom a survival issue.   It can usually be found with some flowers at almost any time of the year, particularly during warm weather and after rainfall.  The little flowers are so dainty:

These are very popular in home gardens, particularly near the sea, as many are known for their hardiness in dry sandy soil combined with salt spray.  It is one of the most ornamental species suitable for these conditions and forms compact well shaped shrubs.  There are species of Westringia that grow in our eastern states that are also very beautiful.

(I have just remembered we had the most beautiful Westringia growing in our back garden (it had tiny mauve flowers) but it had to be removed when the extension to our patio was built many years ago.  As I am looking for plants this I think could be a very choice on our dry, sandy soils.  Once upon a time we actually did have a very lovely back garden and I am vowing to try to make it so again even though I can do little to contribute to that dream, apart from buying the plants I want to grow.  I must begin planning for next year as this is not a good time to be thinking about planting new shrubs as I feel we are going to have a very, very hot and long summer.)


  1. They look a bit like phlox flowers.

  2. Love its freckles - and can only say Wow, and Wonderful. And thank you.

  3. I remember westringia, it's sometimes called native rosemary because it looks so similar, but can't be used as a substitute. We had one in one of our homes but can't remember which one. In the gardens around here I think I've seen one, and close to my door, across the grass, is a rosemary.
