Monday, January 2, 2012


Today I celebrate my 80th birthday.....hard to believe as I sit here at my computer looking outwards but then I will later see myself in a mirror and realise that it is true.  I have quite a lot of grey in my hair but much of it is still brown, and I often think if it was all white I would then believe I really AM 80.  Of course the physical me is not good because of chronic osteo arthritis but mentally I think I am still doing rather well for which I must be thankful.

I had a fantastic 70th birthday but today is going to be more low key which suits me fine as I'm not quite the youngster now that I was 10 years ago.  The family are coming for afternoon tea which I am hoping we can enjoy under the trees in our front garden with a nice cooling sea breeze blowing.  Today is forecast to be 31C (87.8F) which is better than my last two birthdays when it has been 40C (104F) so one must be thankful that the weather is being somewhat kinder today.  The sea breeze has arrived early today so I am hoping it stays with us until at least late afternoon.

My daughter blogged about my birthday and said some very kind words.  I have not always been perfect but I have tried my best and hope through the years I've not caused bad hurt to anyone, or at least not more than was perhaps necessary at times.

MOH game me a really pretty 80th birthday card and the printed words in the card were:

"Your 80th birthday is a time of great celebration.  A special day that's all about you; a time to feel the happiness that's warmly wished for you by your family and friends, today and always".  He added his only lovely greeting (and some xxx's of course).

I think that says it all.  I am grateful to have been given these many years of life and however many more days are going to be granted to me will also be grateful received.  Today I especially remember with fondness all those that have already left this mortal coil and only wish they were still here to share this day with me.  I think of them often and am so glad they were my family and friends.

I hope everyone had a most enjoyable Christmas and New Year's Eve and may this year of 2012 bring everyone peace, good health and much happiness.

I intend to try and find something worthwhile writing about, at least occasionally, and hope I will meet up with old friends on here from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! A wonderful milestone indeed! I hope you had a wonderful day and that 2012 is filled with much happiness x
