Friday, June 24, 2016


There is a song that has always delighted me and it appeared in Dr Zhivago, a film which Phil look on as very special.....why? because our first outing together was to the Metro Theatre in William Street, Perth to see this film.  The Metro is long gone as are most of the theatres in Perth but the memory is still very fresh and sweet.  The song?  "Somewhere My Love".  Hope you will enjoy it as much as I always do.


  1. Lovely memory!

    Now, I may have that running through my head for a while. At least it won't be some jingle from a commercial. :-)

    1. Yes it is great to look back on.
      A much better tune to be haunted by than some jingle. (*:*)

  2. I saw the movie when I was a bit too young to understand it, so didn't enjoy it. But I love the song. It was played on radio a fair bit, but by a different singer and I knew it well enough to sing along.

    1. Glad you knew the song and enjoyed hearing it again.
      If you get the chance to grab the DVD of Zhivago I think you'd enjoy it. It is, of course, about the Russian revolution, is sad but the acting is superb. Phil and I watch it about once a year, partly because we love the movie and also for old time's sake.
